Brooklyn Bridge Birthday Portrait Session

Hi Guys!  I hope you all had a Happy New Year! I spent the time celebrating with family and loved ones. Speaking on  celebrating  check out this birthday portrait session I shot last January for Taj Fashions. I worked with Taj on shoot previously where she styled one of my clients and did a fabulous job. When she asked me to photograph her birthday portraits on Brooklyn Bridge in January. I said sure we can definitely rock it out! Brooklyn Bridge is one of my favorite places to shoot in the city.  

As photographer in NYC Brooklyn Bridge offers a variety of locations within walking distance.  Of course everyone wants the iconic shot on the bridge but I love finding cool areas that interest me and show my clients in the best light.  Often these areas are off the beaten path but its part of what makes my images different from everyone else. I love color, patterns and texture but most importantly I love creating images that inspire, empower and celebrate my clients. 

I remember talking to Taj about her shoot during her pre-session consultation (requirement for all my shoots. It allows me to get to know you. Your dislikes/likes and ensures that the session flows cohesively). She was concerned about the cold. I mean it is January in NYC and we were going to be shooting on a bridge. Theoretically shooting on a bridge is glamorous but there are a lot of factors that come into play such as wind, light, foot traffic and braving the elements. I assured Taj that she would be fine and we can take breaks whenever she needed. I gave her tips for keeping warm. But most importantly I assured her that if she followed my directions we could get the shots she wanted with time to spare. She nailed them ALL!.  The thing that we both love about these images is that you can't tell they were photographed in January. 

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed these images. If you would like to book your birthday photo session click here or call me at (917) 426-8219.  Please don't forget to subscribe to the blog. Thanks for visiting my little corner of the inter webs. Until next time darlings.




Brooklyn Photographer - Colorful Bushwick Collective
